Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Host a St. Patrick's Day Party

In the land of fables, mystical luck & shamrock's
March 17th is a day of celebration.
So let's bring it on and party like a Leprechaun!

St. Patrick's Day doesn't generally result in a day off unless you're in Ireland but we can still join in on the festivities. With your own Irish twist shakin' up the neighbourhood will become second nature.


Your invitations will speak for you, so be sure to include all the details. Including wearing a St. Patrick's Day Costume (or suffer the wrath of a pinch ;)...even if it's just green striped socks!

- Pick up some seed packets of Clover and grow your own in tiny clay pots and attach to your invite.
- On an intentional visit to your guests home, hide their invitation and leave a riddle behind. If they solve the riddle, they find the invite.

How to decorate...

- Use shades of green, gold, black and white in your color scheme and be sure to include streamers, balloons, tissue paper and anything you can find based on the theme colors.

- Make construction paper shamrocks, four leaf clovers, pots of gold and rainbows or large cut-outs and stand ups from cardboard remnants.

- Live greenery and flowers such as Daffodils, White Iris and Lily of the Valley.

Garfield St Patrick's Day

                                    Garfield St Patrick's Day Stand Up  Buy at

What to wear...

- A Leprechaun costume or outfit that you've either bought or made. Striped socks or leggings, a full green jumper, plaid pants, green vest, black blazer, bow tie, slacks or a skirt, blouse, top or t-shirt black shoes with shiny buckles, along with red curly hair, big sideburns, freckles and a big, green top hat, little glasses, a pipe and a big, cheshire grin.

What to eat and drink...

- Corned beef, cabbage, Irish stew, pork roast, ham, bacon, root vegetables like parsnips and turnips, battered fish and onion rings.

- Arrange edible green foods such as pistachios, quacamole, broccoli, olives, green peppers, edemame beans, green beans, mini-donuts dipped in green sugar, celery, lettuce, jalapenos, M&M's, Smarties, kiwi, melon, pear, apple, grapes, lime and jello.

- Add green food coloring to mashed potatoes, homemade soda bread, shortbread, vanilla cupcakes milk shakes and beer.

- Chocolate coins and chocolate dipped strawberries! Dip strawberries in white, milk and dark chocolate then drizzle with melted green chocolate (coloured white chocolate) or double dip the tips.

- Juice, pop, coffee, tea and Irish Coffee, jello shots, mugs of green beer or Guiness.

What to do...

Grab the disposable camera's for this event, you're sure to get some awesome pics!

- I'm all for the adult pub crawl. Count your invites and pre-order a cab, bus or limo. Use public transit or go on foot. Don't tempt the luck of the Irish, no drinking and driving.

- Crank up the celtic music, dance the gaelic jig and party!

- Play spin the bottle and say 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' when the bottle points to you.


With family friendly get togethers get the kids involved with party games and activities.

- Have a crafts table set up with St. Paddy's Day colored papers, tissues, puff balls, sparkles, confetti, pipe cleaners.

- Put out bowls of Lucky Charms cereal with Shoestring Licorice and make necklaces.

- Play the Shamrock Stomp!It's like Musical Chairs only you'd cut out large shamrock's and tape them  to the ground. Make one less than the amount of guests participating. Turn up the Celtic music and play.

- Hide gold chocolate coins under the rainbow and have the kids solve riddles to find it.

- Tell riddles, Irish fables and sing limericks.

- Gather palm size stones and paint a lucky Blarney Stone. (Wiki's-What's a Blarney Stone?)

- Make potato print wall art.

- Hat making contest such as who makes the funniest, largest or smallest.

- Kids love practical jokes and funny business so have a box of tricks and gags nearby.

Talk the Lingo...
-You'll find your way with the 'effing torch'.
- Dressed in green, your friends look like 'eejit's'.
-You'll take a 'shite' in the 'loo'.
-Your 'manky butt' needs it's own 'lift!'
-Your spouse didn't appreciate above comment and returned with naming you a 'shite hawk'.
-Your 'starters' are wrong because your 'fluthered' friends were 'blathering' the order.
- It's prime 'telly' night so you grab 'take away' as you fill up on 'petrol'.
- Your uninvited acquaintence tells you to 'ring her up' with the details of a rumored party.


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